Welcome to the Boston Chapter of the WNBA!
When it comes to literary cities, it’s hard to beat Boston. For centuries, we have been home to writers, publishers, and forward thinkers. Founded in 1954, today’s WNBA serves women and people of all gender identities in the greater Boston area who believe our world is better for the books on our shelves. Our bookish community is vibrant and thriving and I am proud to be part of it!
Last summer, I challenged myself to attend at least one literary event a week. The first week, I had to force myself to get out of my comfy chair and put on pants. The second week it was easier. By the third week, I looked forward to getting out of the house. There is a lovely sameness to literary events. I like to arrive fifteen minutes ahead to chat. Sometimes there are cookies. No matter the event, I always buy the book, and I always leave feeling better than when I arrived.
After producing and attending hundreds of events, I’ve learned some things about people who love books. We are kind. We are curious. We are welcoming. We value all stories because just one voice is not a true portrait of our marvelous, miraculous human race.
If you’re reading this now, books are important to you. Are you a reader? Come meet the people who create the books you read! Are you a writer? Engage with others who can commiserate struggles and celebrate victories! Do you work in publishing? We host networking events for publishing professionals!
My goal, and the goal of the WNBA is to make things just a little easier for those who come after us so they can go further than us. Isn’t that what we all want? A world that is moving toward understanding and kindness? Join us. Be part of an organization that has advocated for equity since before women had the right to vote.
Community matters. Connection matters. Get out of your comfy chair, put on some pants, and engage with our community! We love stories! We want to hear yours. In these challenging times, find comfort on the page and with your fellow book lovers.
Happy reading!
Deborah Norkin, President
Boston Chapter of the WNBA
Learn about our upcoming events!

Comics Publishing Today
Boston Public Library, Commonwealth Salon
Monday, March 10th, 6 – 7pm EST
Are you a writer or comic artist? Are you interested in learning more about publishing? Join us for this conversation about the state of the comics publishing industry.
Twenty years ago, comics were only available in dedicated comics stores. Today, you can find them on the shelves at bookstores, schools, and libraries — the industry has changed in dramatic, significant ways. So what’s happening with graphic novels and comics publishing today? What should authors know about when they work towards getting their books on those bookshelves? Publishing professionals, from editorial to sales and distribution, discuss the state of the industry today, and what’s coming next. This program is moderated by Brigid Alverson (Publishers Weekly, ICv2).
Meet the moderator and panelists!
Brigid Alverson is a journalist who writes about comics, graphic novels, and manga for Publishers Weekly, School Library Journal, and ICv2, where she is also a Contributing Editor. She is the Editor of the Good Comics for Kids blog at SLJ and part of the editorial team at Smash Pages.
Stephanie Pando is a Publicist at Boston-based children’s publisher Candlewick.
Morgana Santili is a Sales Specialist at manga publisher Yen Press.
Weslie Turner is a Senior Editor at the Versify imprint at Harper Collins.
Chris Kerr is the co-founder of Parson Weems’ Publisher Services, selling books to New England area bookstores.
Cassandra Jones is an Editorial Assistant at comics publisher IDW.
Novels, essays, speeches, graphic novels, flash fiction…I edit it all!
Take what you’ve learned at the critique workshop and put it to good use! In each thirty-minute FREE* session, I’ll give you an overall impression, we’ll make some line edits, and I’ll offer suggestions for revision. We can brainstorm ideas or dissect and perfect a single sentence.
Writing need not be a solitary pursuit! A pair of fresh, objective eyes can make the difference between stagnation and inspiration! I’m excited to read your work!
Hosted by Deborah Norkin, Boston Chapter President, Food Writing Editor, Pangyrus Literary Magazine
WNBA Boston Board Training Program:
Being a part of our board is a great line on a resume or a query letter.
It’s also fun! Send a cover letter and a resume to: boston@wnba-books.org
Dates & Deadlines:
January 31, 2025 – Application deadline
January 2025 – Interviews
February 1, 2025 – Acceptances sent
February 2025 – June 2025 – Individualized training with President & current chairs
June 2025 – June 2026 – Participate in board activities, fully assume board role
February 2026 – June 2026 – Help train incoming board
May 2026 – Board graduation party