President |
Deborah Norkin |
Past President |
Annie Stone |
Programs Co-Chairs |
Aime Card Kelsey Costa Taylor McTootle |
Communications Chair | Emma Parkinson |
Treasurer |
Leslie Egan |
Membership Chair |
Nicole Angeloro |
Publishing Industry Chair |
Perpetua Cannistraro |
Special Projects Chair |
Kay Rollins |
Recording Secretary |
Lisa Paige |
Board Members-at-Large |
Lauren Tiedemann Virginia Pye Morgan Hillman |
Board and Officers, 2024-2025
Deborah Norkin, President
Deborah Norkin is the Editor of Zest!, the food writing section of Pangyrus Literary Magazine. She conducts a writing workshop series through GrubStreet, one of the country’s leading creative writing centers, called Editor Hours, and produces and hosts literary events in the Boston area. A former professional chef, Deborah now channels her food obsession into developing recipes, teaching virtual cooking classes, and inserting food plots and subplots into every story she writes. Please visit her website and blog at
Annie Stone, Past President
Annie Stone leads BookBub’s publisher relations group, working closely with partners across the US, Canada, UK and Australia. BookBub helps more than 20 million readers internationally discover new titles and authors and works directly with thousands of publishers and authors to reach those audiences with their books. Before joining BookBub, Annie was an editor at HarperCollins, Harlequin TEEN (now Inkyard Press), and Alloy Entertainment, a division of Warner Bros. When Annie isn’t helping publishers market their books on BookBub, or working on programs and initiatives for the WNBA Boston Chapter, you can find her in Somerville, MA, surrounded by very large piles of books.
Lisa Paige, Recording Secretary
Lisa divides her professional time among three passions: editing book-length nonfiction, particularly memoir, writing fiction and poetry, and helping high school students gain admission to the perfect colleges for them. As all three of these things involve learning more about oneself by telling stories, her business name is InSight Learning. She is grateful to once again live in the Boston area where she grew up and attended college at Harvard. She also holds a Ph.D. in English literature from Bryn Mawr College and had a long career in academia and publishing. One of Lisa’s earliest memories is being lifted up by her dad so she could write her name and address on the application for a library card, and although now tall enough to reach most counters, she still feels that same weightless thrill every time she purchases or takes out a book. When not working or reading, she practices yoga, plays piano and chess, and luxuriates in time well spent with her partner, her three grown children, and her many far-flung friends. A German major in college, she still dreams of doing the foreign exchange program she didn’t do then.
Emma Parkinson, Communications Chair
Emma Parkinson works at BookBub, where she makes sure that clean copy and accurate book data help readers find books they’ll love. Before joining BookBub, she studied English and Journalism at Boston University. She worked a handful of office jobs as an undergrad but it was an internship at Simon & Schuster UK that sparked her interest in the publishing industry. She recently moved to Chicago, IL, and when she’s not reading, she can be found writing, running by the lake, or listening to records.
Nicole Angeloro, Co-Membership Chair
Nicole Angeloro is a senior editor at Mariner Books, an imprint of HarperCollins. She edits both fiction and nonfiction and oversees the long-running Best American series, including the bestselling The Best American Short Stories and The Best American Essays. In both her personal and professional lives, she’s always looking for books that illuminate the past and uncover little-known stories. A graduate of Brown University with a B.A. in history, she attended the Columbia Publishing Course before moving to Boston.
Aime Card, Co-Programs Chair
Aime Card is author of And Beneath it all Was Love, a memoir about her experience with breast cancer. Her current work in progress is an historical nonfiction narrative about a women’s track team in 1960 and their journey to the Olympics from her hometown in Nashville. On the best days you can find her walking a beach on the North Shore of Boston with her sidekicks, Serendipity and Moose, baking with her daughter, listening to her son bang on the drums, or with a glass of wine in her hand by the firepit with her husband.
Kelsey Costa, Co-Programs Chair
Kelsey Costa is a Rhode Island-based writer who loves exploring what makes us human in speculative fiction and nonfiction. She holds a BFA in Writing, Literature, and Publishing from Emerson College. She loves volunteering her time to different conventions and events, and has been a Muse and the Marketplace volunteer since 2019. Her flash nonfiction has been published in Ruminate Magazine and her personal essay Trapped Spirit placed as a semi-finalist in the 2021 Ruminate VanderMey Nonfiction Prize.
Perpetua Charles, Publishing Industry Chair
Perpetua Cannistraro has been a Publicist at Beacon Press since 2015. She is a graduate of Florida Southern College and earned her MA in Publishing and Writing from Emerson College. Perpetua has extensive publicity experience in the areas of race and culture, memoir, education, and history. Some of her favorite things include the Lord, TV, Disney princesses, books, 90s-00s teen pop, and the color pink. Connect with Perpetua on Instagram at @perpetuathepublicist. Read her first and second staff profile on our blog series “Beacon Behind the Books.”
Lauren Tiedemann, Board Member-at-Large
Lauren Tiedemann is the owner and store manager of Book Ends in Winchester, MA, an independent bookstore with frequent book and wine events. Lauren has been a bookseller since age 16, spending most of her career at Barnes and Noble. Lauren graduated from Harvard with a degree in history, focusing her studies on medieval English history and archaeology. A lifelong book lover, Lauren discovered Harry Potter at age 8 and has not taken her nose out of a book since.
Virginia Pye, Board Member-at-Large
Virginia Pye is the author of four award-winning books of fiction, including two post-colonial historical novels set in China, River of Dust and Dreams of the Red Phoenix, and the short story collection, Shelf Life of Happiness. Her most recent novel, The Literary Undoing of Victoria Swann, is a love story to writers and readers set in Gilded Age Boston. Her essays have appeared in The New York Times, Literary Hub, Publisher’s Weekly, Writer’s Digest and elsewhere. She is Fiction Editor at the literary journal Pangyrus and serves on the board of History Cambridge. Visit her at:
Morgan Hillman, Board Member-at-Large
Morgan Hillman spent most of her career in trade book publishing at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, working across sales channels and categories. She is now the Director of Sales at the boutique children’s publisher Holiday House, Pixel+Ink, and Peachtree. She graduated from UC San Diego with a Bachelor of Arts in World Literature before moving east, and completed a Project Management course at BU. She loves to read snuggled up with her beagle, Dixie, about whom she hopes to write a children’s book someday.